An unexpected twist to your minibar

Here are 10 reasons why you want to offer the minibar boxes in your hotel.


Optimise your guest experience

An unexpected, in-room upgrade for your guests.


Hassle-free mini-bar stocking

No more worrying about restocking the mini-bar during your guest’s stay.


In-room, upsell opportunities

Guests can purchase the MAXI MINIBAR prior to check-in or during their stay.


A 5-star experience for guests, always

Nothing beats a random act of kindness for your guests after arrival.


Repurpose of existing inventory

We’re breathing new life into outdated and boring minibar opportunities.


Sustainable packaging

Only use eco-friendly materials and packaging.


Creative promotional materials

Spice up the surprise with eye-catching promo materials.


Extended in-room time for guests

Give your guests the gift of comfort, away from the city hustle and bustle.


Real, in-room happy hours

Everything’s better with a variety of fizzy drinks and healthy snacks.


The same, competitive price for everyone

Whether big or small, we always offer a price you and your guests love.

Why you will love this

It’s getting harder and harder to meet the ever-changing demands of modern-day guests. Upgrade their hotel stay by offering room service-in-a-box. Either as a complimentary gift or an upsell opportunity before check-in or during their stay. MAXI Minibar is the perfect solution for hoteliers seeking a unique twist on the standard minibar. Provide hotel guests with an experience they can fully enjoy!

Unbox a new experience